Sunday 24 November 2013

"SMEAR" is the new "RACIST!"

Ah yes, good old Labour. When facing tough questions it is far better to shut down the debate than to try and talk about facts. Of course in two very recent cases the facts would be damaging for Ed Miliband, hence the attempt to shut down the debate.

If you have fresh memories of life under Blair and Brown you will probably understand the meaning of the title without explanation. In case you don't here is a brief history lesson. 

During their time in power Labour opened our doors to mass immigration, both non and internal EU. Rather than an even spread through the population they congregated in areas, making locals uncomfortable in many cases.

So you try to raise your concerns as a British citizen and you get hounded by the lefty pack as a racist. Anyone who ever asked a tough question about the impact on local communities by the influx of foreigners was shouted down, “RAAAAAAAACCCCCIIIIISSSSSSTTTTTT!” they would cry.

The result of this lack of debate on such an important issue has been the ghetto style communities of today. Areas of Manchester are deserted on Saturdays because almost all the residents are Jewish. Parts of Birmingham entirely Muslim and smaller places like Aldershot (know as little Nepal) have been affected too. Most worryingly reports of “Sharia zones” being policed by thugs.

Now Labour want to shut down anyone looking into their dirty laundry. Falkirk, the Co-op and Paul Flowers, all things Ed Miliband doesn't want you to talk about. By calling it a smear he hopes to discredit the information and weaken the story. Even his favourite attack dog, Owen Jones, is out talking about Tory smears and gutter politics.

That’s right, the party of Campbell and McBride complaining of gutter politics, they have short memories at Labour HQ. But this isn't a smear at all, this is Ed trying to bully the press into dropping the story, hoping that Leverson era editors may be concerned with the power politicians are trying to impose over them.

The press must remain free, all politicians must have their dirty laundry aired in public. But most of all we must remember the lesson of the “RACIST” cries of the left. Just as back then, as they shout “SMEAR” now, they are hiding something they don’t want us to know.

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