Thursday, 28 November 2013

Wrecking ball! - plus other funnies

I am very sorry for this but after a stressful week I am exhausted and couldn't think of anything to write. However I thought I would share something with you.

I love a good video parody, mostly these are song parodies but not always. I thought I would share with you my five favourite ones at the moment in the hope it gets your weekend off to a good start.

Miley Cyrus, wrecking ball performed on Chat roulette. The reactions on here are brilliant, if you don't laugh at this you are dead inside.
Chris Farley brings the story of Rob Ford, the embattled mayor of Toronto to life.

Christmas is approaching and Santa is coming. Lots actually, judging by this video.

Back when Apple launched the iPhone 5 Mondo Media came up with a brilliant take piss of their product launches and product development.

Finally we must pay a visit to the godfather of parodies, Weird Al Yankovic. To be honest I like everything he has done but "Fat" is epic not only for the words but the dance moves and video as a whole.

Enjoy everyone, I promise something better on Monday. Have a good weekend.

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