Sunday, 5 January 2014

Ukip, I have a theory

Ukip's "Dear Leader" was hammering away on twitter with the usual, over used, phrases yesterday. My favourite one being that there is no difference between Labour and the Tories. Get yourself down to Specsavers Nigel, or drink less because there are plenty, unless you just don't want there to be. The big one, as far as Ukip's main aim is concerned is that the Tories will give us a vote on the EU, Labour wont.

The kippers reacted quickly when Cameron pledged the vote on membership in 2017 if the Tories win the next election, obviously fearing that removing their main aim would be disaster for them. What they may fear most is that the UK would prefer to remain in the EU if it was about free trade and not the vast bureaucratic superstate it is becoming. In short in the EU, not controlled by it. But why does his holiness Farage seem so angered by the Tory pledge? I have some theories.
Doesn't really want out

For the very cynical among you this is one thought that I personally don't believe but can see why people do. In 2009 he received 2 million pounds on top of his salary which is over £60k. He barely turns up, much like his party colleagues, and when he was on the fisheries committee he didn't show up at all in 2011. He gets all the public attention his ego requires while pocketing a big salary and telling us all how horrible it is.

Hates David Cameron

Farage has a massive ego, dissent must not be tolerated within Ukip. Some high profile (and others less so) party removals in 2013 made that clear. So how does he feel about the leader of the Tories commenting on him and his party? Not well at all it turns out. In a rather pathetic attempt to get Cameron ousted he said he would be able do do a deal with Boris Johnson or Michael Gove but not him. He is less interested in giving the UK a choice on the EU than he is over a pissing contest, grow up!

Wants the glory

Say the Tories win in 2015, then Cameron gets all the powers back from the EU he wants and the vote happens. Whatever the result Farage and Ukip will not get the credit for delivering it. Sure they will crow all they like but unless he has a seat in the house Farage can't ride in on his steed and proclaim it was Ukip wot won it. That of course just wouldn't do.

Notice how the running theme is the mighty ego of Nigel Farage, not a shock is it.


  1. I honestly think you're way out on all three hypotheses, but hey. There is only one thing Farage wants and that is out of the EU. Not still in a bit but with a few concessions. Cameron has said openly that he wants all the way in forever, which is a piss-poor position to negotiate from.

    I believe that UKIP as a party may want other things, but as a party they are doomed without Farage.

    As for the ego thing, I don't get why that has become such a pejorative. Ego is just who you actually are. I'd happily have a drink with Nigel - all the other leaders would just make me feel queasy, soiled and used.

    1. Cameron may want to stay in the EU but he wants to change the relationship and either way will give us the vote. No way will the backbench MP'S allow anything else.
