Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Mark Duggan got what he deserved

The family and friends of Mark Duggan, all to predictably, kicked off yesterday at the lawful killing verdict. They were all showing their commitment to justice by going after the coroner in the court and hurling abuse at the jury. They should have all been arrested for contempt of court, spineless rule of law isn't going to improve relations at all.

It is interesting to note that the family don't even believe he had a gun, at all. Which is unfortunate for  Kevin Hutchinson-Foster who was found guilty of supplying the gun. If all these people loved him so much while bringing him up perhaps he wouldn't have turned into the trash he was. Worse than that is the race and victim cards being played. Here's a tip, avoid trouble with the police by not breaking the law.
What is most apparent to me is the details not released because there is still an investigation ongoing. Armed police officers tend not to shoot first and ask questions later. So here is a situation where he has just collected a gun and they have followed him. If they didn't see him dispose of it they will treat the situation as if he had it on him. The big question is what instructions did the police give and did he obey them?
Ah yes, the international make a gun gesture of peace
If Duggan decided to give the police some attitude because he had tossed the gun, instead of doing exactly as he was told, then it explains why he was shot. If the armed police think you have a gun and you don't do what is expected they have a duty to protect themselves and the public.

Mark Duggan was to blame for his death. If he hadn't decided to get the gun he would be alive today and think for a moment, he brought a gun, why? The world is a better place without people like him.

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